Streamlined Meal Prep App
3 MONTHS [2023]

The Problem
College students often deprioritize eating amidst the demands of coursework, internships, and the transition to independence.
This behavior, fueled by a high-stress environment and a culture that glorifies overwork, fosters unhealthy habits like skipping meals and pulling all-nighters, with long-term impacts on physical and mental health.
How might we shift the narrative to help students view eating as a vital component of their well-being, not a low-impact trade-off?

I conducted interviews with 10 college students to gain insight on their experiences, perceptions, and goals regarding eating habits. The surprising result was the huge disparity between how often people cook and how often they wish to cook.

Three categories, Decision, Time, and Budget, became the primary buckets for the frustrations that students had surrounding eating, cooking, and grocery shopping.
Many of these reasons overlap into multiple of these buckets, such as going to the grocery store without a plan wastes time wandering around, produces decision fatigue trying to remember what is necessary and what isn't, and often results in impulse purchases.

With the persona in mind, ideation sketches, a feature prioritization matrix, and an initial user flow were made following the research insights.

usability Testing
Usability testing was conducted throughout the refinement process to inform design decisions surrounding the key interactions that facilitate the goals of this design.


Visual Design System
The design system below was organized with a clean, refreshing, and modern look in mind to cater towards college students.